An AI tool to measure degrees of misalignment of lower limb rotation in pre-surgical planning assessments .
CT Scans
Lower limb rotation
Current practice of manually drawing lines over the long bones and the joints on CT images in PACS to figure the degree
of misalignment is time-consuming (15-20 minutes per case). An AI tool would automatically create these lines and
angles, saving time and reducing variability.
Clinical lead: Dr. Christopher Tang
Project Plan
1. Meeting of all persons involved to determine AI specifications. 4. Model training
For radiologist (Chris)
- Confirm +/3 to 5 degree precision with peers
- Confirm with surgeons how angles are used to guide knee surgery
- Confirm 3 bone ankle slice is the correct slice to analyse.
- Review software requirements spec
2. Setting technical and system requirements for AI model.
For CSC (Anil)
- Perform the risk assessment
- Create software design spec from software requirements spec
- Attempt to build non-A.I software with “dicom_server” and eventually “AI Deployment Engine”
- Investigate the AI route
3. Dataset curation (retrospective).
- Collect Patient ID’s for 100-200 patients, analysed by different radiologists
5.Model testing
6. Implementation
7. Audit
Website used to help calculate rotational angles is here.