
The Project Board below tracks the progress of each CSC project through the different phases of the software developmental lifecycle.

These stages are:

Project Evaluation submission form

If you are creating medical software and would like the CSC Team to consider evaluating it for clinical use within Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, please complete and submit the Project Initiation Document (PID) via email to


Initial conversations between project stakeholders, planning of design and development ideas, discussions about verification and evaluation methods.


Final project plans are documented and circulated to stakeholders. For projects involving SMEs, preparation of Information Security (IS) and Information Governance (IG) compliance documents.

There are currently no projects at this stage of the development cycle.


Projects with SMEs awaiting feedback or approval of submitted IS and IG compliance documents.


For projects with SMEs, preparation of Pilot Agreement and Processing Agreement documents.

There are currently no projects at this stage of the development cycle.

Data Curating

Preparation and data access logistics, such as for training AI algorithms or retrospective evaluation studies.


Development of AI algorithms and software. This stage also includes validation and verification testing. Projects with SMEs will likely bypass this stage.


Evaluation comprises two parts: 1) retrospective evaluation using legacy data to determine if the software is appropriate for clinical practice, or requires further development. 2) prospective evaluation in a live clinical setting.


Report produced for the software owner detailing the results of the evaluation stage, potentially highlighting any additional design and development considerations. For SMEs, this report serves as the basis for submitting applications to the Trust procurement team.

There are currently no projects at this stage of the development cycle.


Previous projects which are now concluded.


Projects which have not been started yet. May be due to lack of project owner engagement, missing information relating to the project, or lack of bandwidth within CSC to support the project.


Terminated projects, possibly because of a failure at one of the stages above.